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Zura Herbicide Uses, Price, Technical Name, Dose & Complete Information

Zura is a post-emergence, selective herbicide used to manage a variety of broadleaf weeds in various crops. To control a larger range of weeds, it is a preferred tank mix partner with other herbicides.

You will learn the following information in this article: 

  • Introduction
  • Benefits of using post emergence Zura herbicide 
  • Technical name
  • Mode of action
  • Features of Zura herbicide
  • Dosages of Zura herbicide according to the crops.
  • Application of Zura herbicide 




It functions as a regulator of plant development by simulating the plant hormone Auxin. It persists at high levels in plant tissues and promotes rapid cell growth that, combined with aberrant cell division, kills the plant.

Herbicides that are selective after emergence.

These products can be administered with minimum harm to the crop or pasture plants and suppress weeds that have emerged since the establishment of the crop or pasture.


Benefits of using post emergence Zura herbicide 


  • Post-emergent herbicides have the added advantage of improving crop or pasture yield while providing high levels of target weed control.
  • Just before application, observations can be taken to fine-tune the herbicide choice to match the weeds that are present in the paddock.
  • Application timing can be adjusted to accommodate weed size, crop growth stage, and environmental factors.
  • On successive weed germinations, several post-emergent herbicides have pre-emergent action.

Technical name: 2,4-D Dimethyl amine salt 58% WSC


Mode of action:


Numerous aquatic and terrestrial broadleaf weeds are treated with 2,4-D. On grasses, it makes little difference.It seems to function by inducing irrational cell division in vascular tissue. Following exposure, plant tissues experience abnormal increases in cell wall flexibility, protein biosynthesis, and ethylene production, all of which lead to unchecked cell proliferation.

While salt forms of 2,4-D are absorbed by plant roots, ester forms of the compound penetrate foliage.12 Other auxin-type herbicides and 2,4-D appear to operate in a similar manner.


Features of Zura herbicide: 


  • Is an original water-based soluble concentration (WSC) that moves easily within plants.
  • possesses a WSC composition and is water soluble.
  • guarantees performance because of purity.
  • is a financially sensible choice.


Dosages of Zura herbicide according to the crops:


Crops Target weed Dose
Sugarcane  Commelina benghalensis, Convolvulus arvensis, Cyperus iria, Dactylactenium aegyptium, Digitaria spp., Digera arvensis and Portulaca oleracea 1 lt
Wheat  Asphodelus tenuifolius, Chenopodium album, Convolvulus arvensis, Fumaria parviflora, Melilotus alba and Vicia sativa 350-400 ml
Maize Amaranthus spp., Boerhaavia diffusa, Cyperus spp., Euphorbia hirta, Portulaca oleracea, Trianthema monogyna and Tribulus terristeris 350-400 ml
Sorghum Convolvulus arvensis, Cyperus iria, Digera arvensis, Euphorbia hirta, Phyllanthus niruri, Trianthema spp. and Tridax procumbens 500 ml – 1 lt


Application of Zura herbicide 

  • The season

Early to late spring, when weeds are still small but actively growing, is the greatest time of year to apply post-emergent herbicides since they will take the weed killer more readily.

When the soil temperature has been above 55 degrees for at least three days and the daytime temperature is under 85 degrees in the spring, this is the best time to apply post-emergent herbicide.

  • Day and time

It is preferable to use your post-emergent in the morning when weeds are growing most quickly. Post-emergents will take longer to be absorbed and effective later in the day and in the evening since weed growth slows during these times. When killing weeds on a day when a storm is expected, either apply the herbicide early enough for it to dry before the storm or wait until the following dry day.

  • Method of application 

It’s essential to adhere to manufacturer recommendations for both safety and the best outcomes. The kind of herbicide will also influence how you apply.

Liquid: usually diluted with water and used with a handheld pressure sprayer

Granular: Usually mixed with a spreading agent, such as lime or fertilizer, and applied with a spreader for fertilizer.




1. What is the price of  Zura herbicide?

Ans. You can purchase Zura herbicide from

2. How to apply the Zura herbicide?

Ans. There’s a list of instructions given with the product.

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