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September 2023

घास मारने की दवा

घास मारने की दवा: खरपतवार के लिए सही उपाय

  घास और खरपतवार पौधों के स्वास्थ्य के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण मुद्दा है, खासतर जब आप खेती, बागवानी, या घर के आस-पास के क्षेत्र में काम कर रहे हैं। यहां हम जानेंगे कि घास मारने की दवा कौन सी है, खरपतवार के लिए कौन सी दवाई अच्छी है, राउंडअप घास मारने के लिए क्या है, …

घास मारने की दवा: खरपतवार के लिए सही उपाय Read More »

Bayer Regent Insecticide

Bayer Regent Insecticide Uses, Price, Technical Name, Dose & Complete Information

Introduction: When it comes to protecting your crops from harmful insects and pests, having the right information about insecticides is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of Regent Insecticide, covering its uses, technical name, price, composition, and more. Let’s get started!  Regent Insecticide Uses 1. Crop Protection  Regent Insecticide is …

Bayer Regent Insecticide Uses, Price, Technical Name, Dose & Complete Information Read More »

Gracia insecticide

Godrej Gracia Insecticide Uses, Price, Technical Name, Dose & Complete Information

Farmers confront a variety of difficulties when it comes to agriculture, with the threat of pests and insects that can destroy their crops ranking as one of the most important. Modern agriculture places a high premium on ensuring a plentiful yield while reducing the usage of toxic pesticides. In this situation, Godrej Gracia Insecticide fills …

Godrej Gracia Insecticide Uses, Price, Technical Name, Dose & Complete Information Read More »

Ridomil Gold

Syngenta Ridomil Gold Fungicide Uses, Price, Technical Name, Dose & Complete Information

Ridomil is a very effective fungicide which is highly effective in farming. Before we get into its description, let’s learn about fungicides first. To eliminate parasitic fungi or their spores, insecticides called fungicides are utilized. Although biocontrols are also possible,chemicals make up the majority of them. In agriculture, fungi have the potential to inflict significant …

Syngenta Ridomil Gold Fungicide Uses, Price, Technical Name, Dose & Complete Information Read More »

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